

Swift Generics わからん





func genericFuncion<T, U>(_ t: T, u: U) {}

struct GenericType<T, U> {}

protocol Prot {
    associatedtype T
    associatedtype U

generic functionっぽいことは関数様のものにも使えるのでジェネリックsubscriptとかinitを作れる.



それぞれこんな感じ. T: SequenceがType Constraintでwhere ....がGeneric where Clause.

func genericFuncion<T: Sequence, U>(_ t: T, u: U) where U: AnyObject, T.Element == U {}

struct GenericType<T: Sequence, U> where U: AnyObject, T.Element == U {}

protocol Prot {
    associatedtype T: Sequence
    associatedtype U: AnyObject where T.Element == U

文法上問題はないが,Generic Where Clausesに以下のように書いてあるのでジェネリックほげほげの制約に使うのは良くないのか?と思うけどGeneric Where Clausesを使わないと表せない制約もあるのでよくわからん.

Type constraints, as described in Type Constraints, enable you to define requirements on the type parameters associated with a generic function, subscript, or type.

It can also be useful to define requirements for associated types. You do this by defining a generic where clause. [https://docs.swift.org/swift-book/LanguageGuide/Generics.html#ID192

Extensions with a Generic Where Clause

Generic Where Clauseはextensionのときにも使うことができる.これを使うとある条件のときだけメソッドを定義するということができる.

extension GenericType where T.Element == Some {
    func printSome() {
        print("T is Some")

extension GenericType where T.Element == Another {
    func printAnother() {
        print("T is Another")

class Some {}
class Another {}
GenericType<[Some], Some>().printSome() // T is Some
// GenericType<[Another], Another>().printSome() // Referencing instance method 'printSome()' on 'GenericType' requires the types 'Another' and 'Some' be equivalent


extension GenericType {
    func printSome() where T.Element == Some {
        print("T is Some")

    func printAnother() where T.Element == Another {
        print("T is Another")

class Some {}
class Another {}
GenericType<[Some], Some>().printSome() // T is Some
// GenericType<[Another], Another>().printSome() // Referencing instance method 'printSome()' on 'GenericType' requires the types 'Another' and 'Some' be equivalent
