




  • ショートカットが動くコンテキストは面倒くさいので書いてない
  • デフォルトのキーから変更したものもある
    • これも面倒くさいのでデフォルトのキーは調べていないが、XcodeはPreferences > Key BindingsのFilterから、Google ChromeはHelpのSearchから検索できるようにできるだけ正式な名前を書いている
  • 名前の後ろに*がついているのは正式な名前が不明だったもの
  • キー+トラックパッドなショートカットは書かない*1



  1. ⌘ r: Run
  2. ⌘ b: Build
  3. ⇧⌘ b: Analyze
  4. ⌃⌘ b: Compile File
  5. ⌘ .: Stop
  6. ⇧⌘ k: Clean
  7. ⌃⇥: Show Next Tab
  8. ⌃⇧⇥: Show Previous Tab
  9. ⌃`: Move Focus to Next Editor
  10. ⌃⌘ t: New Editor
  11. ⌃⌘ w: Close Editor
  12. ⌃⌘ y: Pause/Continue
  13. ⌘ y: Activate/Deactivate Breakpoints
  14. ⌃⌘ 6: Step Over
  15. ⌘ 1: Project
  16. ⌘ 5: Issues
  17. ⌘ 8: Breakpoints
  18. ⌘ 9: Reports
  19. ⌘ 0: Show/Hide Navigator
  20. ⌥⌘ 0: Show/Hide Inspector
  21. ⇧⌘ y: Show/Hide Debug Area
  22. ⌥⌘ p: Refresh Canvas
  23. ⌥⌘ ⌤: Show/Hide Preview
  24. ⌃⌘ o: Choose Scheme
  25. ⌘ a: Select All
  26. ⌘ c: Copy
  27. ⌘ v: Paste
  28. ⌘ x: Cut
  29. ⌘ z: Undo
  30. ⇧⌘ z: Redo
  31. ⌘ ,: Preferences
  32. ⌘ /: Comment/Uncomment
  33. ⌘ f: Find
  34. ⌥⌘ f: Find and Replace
  35. ⇧⌘ f: Find in Workspace
  36. ⌘ e: Use Selection for Find
  37. ⌘ g: Find Next
  38. ⇧⌘ g: Find Previous
  39. ⌥⌘ [: Move Line Up
  40. ⌥⌘ ]: Move Line Down
  41. ⌘ n: New File
  42. ⌥⌘ o: Open in Tab
  43. ⌘ w: Close Tab
  44. ⌥⌘ w: Close Other Tabs
  45. ⇧⌘ o: Open Quickly
  46. ⌘ l: Jump to
  47. ⌃i: Re-Indent
  48. ⌃j: Join Paragraphs
  49. ⌃f: Move Forward
  50. ⌃b: Move Backward
  51. ⌃⌥f: Move Word Forward
  52. ⌃⌥b: Move Word Backward
  53. ⌃p: Move Up
  54. ⌃n: Move Down
  55. ⌃a: Move to Beginning of Paragraph
  56. ⌃e: Move to End of Paragraph
  57. ⌃v: Move Page Down
  58. ⌃k: Delete to End of Paragraph
  59. ⌃y: Yank
  60. ⌃d: Delete Forward
  61. ⌃h: Delete Backward

Google Chrome

  1. ⌃⇥: Select Next Tab
  2. ⌃⇧⇥: Select Previous Tab
  3. ⌘ 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8: Select Nth Tab*
  4. ⌘ 9: Select Last Tab*
  5. ⌘ w: Close Tab
  6. ⌥⌘ w: Close Other Tabs
  7. ⇧⌘ w: Close Window
  8. ⌘ t: New Tab
  9. ⇧⌘ t: Reopen Closed Tab
  10. ⌘ n: New Window
  11. ⇧⌘ n: New Incognito Window
  12. ⌘ l: Open Location
  13. ⌘ r: Reload This Page
  14. ⇧⌘ b: Always Show Bookmarks Bar
  15. ⌘ f: Find
  16. ⌥⌘ i: Developer Tools
  17. ⌘ ⌤: Open in New Tab
  18. ⇧⌘ ⌤: Open in New Window
  19. ⌘ a: Select All
  20. ⌘ c: Copy
  21. ⌘ v: Paste
  22. ⌘ x: Cut
  23. ⌘ z: Undo
  24. ⇧⌘ z: Redo
  25. ⌃f: Move Forward*
  26. ⌃b: Move Backward*
  27. ⌃p: Move Up*
  28. ⌃n: Move Down*
  29. ⌃a: Move to Beginning of Paragraph*
  30. ⌃e: Move to End of Paragraph*
  31. ⌃v: Move Page Down*
  32. ⌃k: Delete to End of Paragraph*
  33. ⌃y: Yank*
  34. ⌃d: Delete Forward*
  35. ⌃h: Delete Backward*

Google IME

  1. ⌃j: Replace to hiragana
  2. ⌃k: Replace to katakana
  3. ⌃;: Replace to half width
  4. ⌃': Replace to ascii
  5. ⌃a: Move cursor to the beginning
  6. ⌃e: Move cursor to the end
  7. ⌃f: Move cursor to right
  8. ⌃b: Move cursor to left
  9. ⌃d: Delete
  10. ⌃h: Backspace
  11. ⌃a: Move segment focus to the first segment
  12. ⌃e: Move segment focus to the last segment
  13. ⌃f: Move segment focus right
  14. ⌃b: Move segment focus left
  15. ⌃h: Cancel
  16. ⌃i: Shrink segment
  17. ⌃o: Expand segment
  18. ⌃n: Select next candidate
  19. ⌃p: Select previous candidate
  20. ⌃⇧n: Select next page
  21. ⌃⇧p: Select previous page
  22. ⌃⇧r: Reconvert


  1. ⌃␣ Show Spotlight search
  2. ⇧⌘ l: Move right a space
  3. ⇧⌘ h: Move left a space
  4. ⌘ `: Move focus to next window
  5. ⇧⌘ `: Move focus to previous window
  6. ⇧⌘ 3: Save picture of screen as a file
  7. ⌃⇧⌘ 3: Copy picture of screen to the clipboard
  8. ⇧⌘ 4: Save picture of selected area as a file
  9. ⌃⇧⌘ 4: Copy picture of selected area to the clipboard
  10. ⇧⌘ 5: Screenshot and recording options
  11. ⌘ ⇥: Switch to Next App*
  12. ⇧⌘ ⇥: Switch to Previous App*
  13. ␣ Select Focused Control*
  14. ⌤: Select Default Action*
  15. ⇥: Move focus to next control*
  16. ⇧⇥: Move focus to previous control*



*1:Google Chromeの⌘ LMBの類