class Sup { let str: String init() { print("Sup init") str = "str" } } class Sub: Sup { init(str: String) { print("Sub init", str) } convenience override init() { print("Sub convenience init") self.init(str: "some") } } Sub().str print("---") Sub(str: "some") // Sub convenience init // Sub init some // Sup init // --- // Sub init some // Sup init
スーパークラスのイニシャライザが,引数を取らないDesignated Initializer1つだけのとき,サブクラスのイニシャライザの処理が終わったあとにそのイニシャライザが呼ばれる.
Chris_Lattner May '16
Two reasons:
1) No one wants to call super.init() when deriving from NSObject.
2) More generally, if there is exactly one DI in your superclass, and if it takes zero arguments, it is usually not interesting to have to call it, it is just boilerplate.
If you think that this is the wrong policy, please bring it up on swift-evolution. Note that this has been the behavior since Swift 1, and I haven’t heard any other serious complaints about it.