TypeScriptに移行する by Gurrium · Pull Request #3 · Gurrium/tcx-to-altitude-image · GitHub
npm audit
❯ npm audit # npm audit report glob-parent <5.1.2 Severity: high glob-parent before 5.1.2 vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service in enclosure regex - https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-ww39-953v-wcq6 fix available via `npm audit fix --force` Will install gulp@3.9.1, which is a breaking change node_modules/glob-parent chokidar 1.0.0-rc1 - 2.1.8 Depends on vulnerable versions of glob-parent node_modules/chokidar glob-watcher >=3.0.0 Depends on vulnerable versions of chokidar node_modules/glob-watcher gulp >=4.0.0 Depends on vulnerable versions of glob-watcher Depends on vulnerable versions of vinyl-fs node_modules/gulp glob-stream 5.3.0 - 6.1.0 Depends on vulnerable versions of glob-parent node_modules/glob-stream vinyl-fs >=2.4.2 Depends on vulnerable versions of glob-stream node_modules/vinyl-fs gulp-typescript >=2.13.0 Depends on vulnerable versions of vinyl-fs node_modules/gulp-typescript 7 high severity vulnerabilities To address all issues (including breaking changes), run: npm audit fix --force